Kopfleiste überspringen
COVID-19, free cancellation
COVID-19, free cancellation
COVID-19, free cancellation
COVID-19, free cancellation

to book a room

The cheapest way to book is to book directly with us on this page. You can also reach us by phone +43 3687 81230 or email: htltrlwndt


The online booking module used by us on this website make it easier for you and us to agree and manage room bookings. For this purpose we use “CASABLANCA”, which is provided by Casablanca Hotelsoftware GmbH. In the case of a room booking, the collection of the data is essential, as this is necessary for the processing of your booking and the provision of your booked service for the Berghotel Türlwand. The data entered will be transmitted to Casablanca Hotelsoftware GmbH. Privacy Policy

Do you have a problem with the booking system?

Then please contact us using the contact form under "Contact".
We will contact you as soon as possible.

See you soon at Berghotel Türlwand!

The family Höflehner looks forward to your inquiry!
The family Höflehner looks forward to your inquiry!

Data Privacy Policy

This website uses the following external components: videos, online booking, inquiry form and information about the holiday region which use cookies to collect information about your behavior and help to optimize the website.
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